Pursue, Preserve and Present

In the March 31 issue of Genealogy Gems, Curt Witcher wrote, “With the recent arrival of spring, may we all feel inspired to intentionally engage in activities that give us opportunities to pursue, preserve and present our families’ stories.”

I’ve had the pleasure of attending a number of Curt’s presentations and I always feel energized afterward. As inspiring as his vast wealth of knowledge about the how-to of genealogy is, his enthusiasm about the why of pursuing and sharing our family history is contagious.

Storytellers are everywhere, we just have to be aware of the opportunities when they present themselves.

Neither of my parents were interested in family history, but both were known to share an anecdote here and there.

As a child my mom thought a peddler in her Chicago neighborhood yelled “old rags a lyin'” until she was old enough to know what he really said.

My dad recalled sliding down a coal chute as a small boy and then remembered it had been his father who delivered the coal to neighboring homes. There were no paved streets in that neighborhood; horses and wagons bumped along dirt-packed alleys.

My late mother-in-law told us that her first scheduled citizenship ceremony was postponed because the President had been shot. What an experience that must have been!

Our lives are made up of many experiences, big and small. Sharing those experiences with one another keeps those memories alive.

Curt inspired me again ~ I plan to do all I can to pursue, preserve and present my family history.

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