My Great-Grandfather’s Error-Filled Death Certificate

My great-grandfather James Walton died when my maternal grandfather was six years old. The personal information on James’ death certificate was provided by Alfred Pearson, his wife’s brother-in-law. And much of it is wrong. Alfred got a few things right; James Walton did not have a middle name. And he was male, white and married. But James wasn’t born in…

Bateman Elementary School

Among my late mother’s photographs were class pictures taken when she and her brother attended elementary school. Being a genealogist of course I Googled the name of the school. And there I stumbled upon a page where Chicago’s Newton Bateman Elementary School displayed some of their alumni. One quick email to the school and my photos…

Girl Scout Birthday

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts! On this day in 1912 Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization’s first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia. Most of my Girl Scout days were enjoyed as a junior scout. I had the best leader ever and have many fond memories of scouting. This picture was taken after I marched in a…

First Cousin Twice Removed

What a great smile! That’s the first thing I thought when I saw this picture of Marie Agnes Duha, my first cousin twice removed. Her mother was Agnes Magnheld Clarin (1891-1959), the middle of three daughters born to my 2nd great-grandparents Carl Larsson Clarin (1863-1924) and Bengta Johnson (1866-1895). Marie was born in Chicago 14…

Oh Those Beautiful Hats!

Their fathers Peter (1858-1929) and Frans Tolf (1852-1928) were brothers. And so Ranghild Katarina Henrietta (1889-1973) and Eva Mathilda (1891-1957) were first cousins. Eva had a sister named Pearl May (1883-1967). The three women got together often. As a matter of fact, Pearl lived with Ranghild and her family in the 1910 census. Then in 1913 Pearl…